How to Sell to Companies with Third-Party Buying Consultants
Third-party buying consultants have changed to game of selling for many salespeople that prospect into large companies. These free-agent consultants will try to beat you down on price and work you through the ringer. Learn how to effectively sell to companies that employ these consultants.
How to Host Your Own Event to Attract Prospects
The single best way to attract geographically local prospects to your product or service is through hosting and event. Learn exactly what you must do in order to host a massively successful event that will attract the top prospects in your area.
You Spend Too Much Time Researching Prospects
When done properly, prospect research can be the difference between closing a sale or not. However, so often, salespeople let prospect research become the distraction that prevents them from ever picking up the phone soon enough. Learn three simple tips for doing just the right amount of prospect research.
Give World Class Sales Presentations that Close
Back in the day, a well-rehearsed sales presentation with some compelling features and benefits closed sales. Nowadays, prospects have grown to expect that old-school approach. Learn three sales presentation tips that will help you close far more sales.
Salesforce Hiring Process – Stop Hiring B and C Player Salespeople!
Hiring salespeople is one of the least appreciated, yet critical roles of an effective sales organization. Most companies are making the three common errors in hiring salespeople. Learn the three mistakes and how to avoid them moving forward.
Three Steps to Cutting-Edge Prospecting
The days of easily getting through to prospects are long gone. Nowadays, just getting a prospect on the phone is incredibly difficult. Learn three steps to not only getting through to prospects, but ensuring that you are on-point when you ultimately connect with a prospect.
Prospecting Is About the Campaign
Traditional prospecting strategies include calling on prospects a couple of times before giving up. However, in a time when prospects are being bombarded by salespeople from all angles, you must use a prospecting campaign to even get through to your prospect. Learn how to use a campaign to get through more often.
Three Time Management Strategies of Top Performing Salespeople
Top performing salespeople are better at managing their time than their competition. Since time is the most scarce resource available to salespeople, learning how to effectively manage one’s time is the difference between success and failure. Learn these three time management tips of top performers.
You Don’t Have to Be Charismatic to Be a Sales Superstar
Do you sometimes wish that you had a little more natural charisma in selling situations? Wish no more because it simply doesn’t matter. In this groundbreaking article, learn the three steps to overcoming charisma in sales. You too can be a true sales superstar without being socially dynamic.