How to Get a Budget from Prospects [Free Audio Download]
Do you get a budget from prospects before you give away your prices? If not, then you have to listen to this short download. In just six minutes, it walks you through exactly how to get a budget from prospects. Download by right clicking below and “save link as” or just listen to the audio…

Free eBook on How to Connect with any prospect
Do you want to go beyond just building rapport with your prospects to actually developing a deeper connection? Just remember that people make up 90% of their opinion of you in the first ten seconds of interacting. Learn exactly how to make that connection by downloading this free ebook, a $49 value! Just enter you…

The First Ten Rules of Game Plan Selling
Brian Tracy says of my latest book, Game Plan Selling: “Marc has written a powerful, practical book that can transform your sales results and give you a real edge in today’s market.” I want to share with you the first ten of fifty-nine rules from the book. The First Ten Rules of Game Plan…

Sales Training Boston – Game Plan Selling Video
I just released this new video on the Game Plan Selling USP. This outlines the three components to effective selling in a changed sales environment. Learn how to close more deals by watching the video below: Created by Marc Wayshak, America’s Sales Coach on Game Plan Selling and author of Breaking All Barriers. To learn…