Sales Training Boston
5 Critical Components to Great sales training – Sales Training Boston Learn the critical pieces to find great sales training Boston right now. High Velocity Selling in the New Economy: Sales Training Boston Boston is a different city from many others. We are packed with technology, healthcare and biotech companies. However, there are still a…

Be Distinct in Sales or Perish
Do you know how long it takes a prospect to decide whether he or she would want to continue a sales conversation any further? Researchers from NYU have determined that we make eleven decisions about others in the first seven seconds of meeting. This means that your prospects are sizing you up in the first…

Why You Need to Plan a Client Event
Existing clients are often the number one overlooked source of additional revenue to a company. Just think how many thousands or even millions of dollars your organization invests each year to attract new clients. Often, once a company has them, they are sent over to customer service and moved out of the sales pipeline. In…

Stop Asking Probing Questions of Your Prospects—Start Understanding
Just the other day, I was at a program where a sales trainer told the audience to ask prospects probing questions. Do you like to be probed? I sure don’t, and it’s even more annoying when a sales person probes aimlessly. I can’t tell you how many old-school sales trainers have told me to just…

3 Simple Tips to Selling to the CEO
Most sales people logically understand that they would make larger sales and far more money if they sold to people in the C-suite, but they rarely sell at that level. Those sales people that do sell at the highest level often outperform everyone else combined. Remember, the CEO has the decision-making authority and can always…

Stop Lying About Your Sales Forecast!
I’m going to just come out and say it. 90% of what’s in most sales people’s pipelines is pure junk. Let me explain. When companies bring me in for sales training in Boston, one area we always explore is the existing sales team’s current pipeline. Inevitably, sales people will boast about how many excellent prospects…

See How Easily You Can Know When a Prospect is Qualified
Just the other day, a new sales training client of mine called me to brag about his new ‘awesome’ sales opportunity. “Marc, I just had the greatest sales meeting. I was awesome. The guy loved me and I think it’s going to be a huge sale.” “Sounds great,” I said, “What are his key challenges?”…

The Secret to Getting a Budget from Prospects in Sales
During my sales training, everyone always wants to know how to get a budget. After I explain how, some nonbelievers will inevitably ask about the most difficult prospect they’ve ever had as a reason why they can’t get budgets from prospects in selling situations. So, let’s lay that out on the table—there are some prospects…

How to Price Your Product So It Sells Like Crazy–Thom Winninger Interview
This incredible interview was shot when I visited Thom Winninger, the author of Price Wars: A Strategy Guide to Winning the Battle for the Customer. If you struggle with how to price your product or service so it sells like crazy, then you must watch this video! How have you changed your prices to sell…

How-to Use Public Speaking to Close More Sales
Want to learn how to close more business than all of the competition? Then learn how to use public speaking and giving speeches to make and close more sales. Learn how in this video: Video created by Marc Wayshak, author of the book Game Plan Selling. Have you ever given a speech to sell products…