Sales Keynote Speakers – What Your Salespeople Must Know Right Now

Marc Wayshak is one of the most sought-after sales keynote speakers today, but when he first started out in sales, selling was a challenge for him. As Marc puts it, “My early days in the world of selling were an absolute disaster.” But now that Marc has worked with thousands of salespeople as one of the top sales keynote speakers, he’s figured out what works—and what doesn’t.

As one of the top sales keynote speakers, Marc Wayshak is also a regular contributor to Inc, HubSpot, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Huffington Post Business. He speaks to audiences around the world over 100 times per year.

Sadly, Marc can’t go back in time to tell his younger self what he’s learned. But he can share these must-know insights with your sales team, as one of the leading sales keynote speakers at your next event. Check out the five keys to selling your salespeople must learn at your next sales keynote event:

Sales Keynote Speakers Tip #1: Nobody cares about your salespeople.

It’s natural for salespeople to want to talk about themselves and what they’re selling. But the reality is, your prospects only care about themselves and the solutions to their problems. Instead of focusing the entire sales process around how great your company is, your salespeople should be crafting a message that’s centered 100% around their prospects.

By bringing Marc Wayshak in as the best of the best sales keynote speakers, you can ensure your salespeople will learn exactly how to put their prospects first, so ultimately they can out-sell the competition:

Watch one of the premiere sales keynote speakers in action:

Sales Keynote Speakers Tip #2: Sales is a big game.

Many salespeople complain about the rejection, mind games, and avoidance that occurs throughout the sales process. This is all just part of the game of sales. Here’s Marc’s real-world advice: If your salespeople are going to play, they’ve got to toughen up. The best salespeople don’t take anything personally, and they approach the game of sales like a contact sport.

Sales Keynote Speakers Tip #3: Nice guys don’t win.

Just like in dating, no one is looking to work with the “super nice” guy or gal in sales. Prospects want to work with salespeople who tell it like it is. It’s time for your sales team to stop being push-overs. In today’s selling world, top salespeople must learn how to unleash their inner confidence and carry themselves like experts in their field. This is exactly what Marc shows salespeople how to do as the best of the best sales keynote speakers.

Sales Keynote Speakers, Marc WayshakSales Keynote Speakers Tip #4: Great sales requires repetition.

The world of sales isn’t always glamorous or sexy. In all of Marc’s years as one of the leading sales keynote speakers, he’s discovered that most successful salespeople are doing the same exact things over and over again to get the best results. Your salespeople need to resist the urge to reinvent the wheel—once they find what works, they simply need to repeat it. If your sales team is ready for repetition, they’ll be prepared to hit their sales out of the park.

Sales Keynote Speakers Tip #5: Sales is no place for emotion.

Highly emotional people don’t typically last very long in sales. When your salespeople close a big sale, it’s fine if they celebrate and get excited, but it shouldn’t last long. The best salespeople know how to enjoy the victory—and quickly move on to the next prospect. On the flip side, it’s important that your salespeople don’t get depressed when they lose a sale they’ve really been fighting for. Marc’s powerful approach as one of the leading sales keynote speakers motivates salespeople to figure out what they’ll do differently next time, in the event of losing a sale—so they can quickly move on.

These five important tips will save your salespeople a lot of time, energy, and heartache.

The sales keynote speakers past clients reported that they:

  • Learned how to come across as experts in their field
  • Closed more sales by focusing 100% on prospects
  • Developed a repeatable sales strategy to crush their goals
  • Closed larger sales, more frequently

contact the sales keynote speaker

If you’re still not sure if Marc is one of the right sales keynote speakers for your next event, contact Marc directly to discuss his other popular programs for sales teams. Whether you’re planning a sales kick-off event, a sales conference, an association event, or a series of sales trainings, sales keynote speakers can motivate and engage your audience for bottom-line results.

Contact Marc right now to book one of the most sought-after sales keynote speakers at your next sales event!

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About the Author Marc Wayshak

Marc is is the best-selling author of three books on sales and leadership, including the highly acclaimed titles Game Plan Selling, The High-Velocity Sales Organization and his forthcoming book, Sales Conversations, Mastered.

Marc is a contributor to Inc, HubSpot, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Huffington Post Business. He also hosts a popular YouTube channel on sales strategy with over 103,000 subscribers.

Marc helps thousands of people his data-driven, science-based approach to selling that utilizes all the best tools available to sales organizations today.

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