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7 Keys to Handling the “This Is Too Expensive” Objection

7 Keys to Handling the “This Is Too Expensive” Objection

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where everything seemed promising with a prospect, but when you revealed your price, they responded with, "This is too expensive"? Wondering how...

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5 Tips for Creating the Perfect Proposal

Do you spend so much time and effort getting to a proposal only to find that your proposal isn’t leading to a closed sale? Learn five very easy tips for creating a proposal that will both close more sales and help you increase the size of your sale.

What Crossfit Can Teach You About Sales

CrossFit charges five times that of a typical gym, yet they are backed up with people trying to join them. How did they develop a model that charges so much, yet is full of members? They are creating results for their members. Learn how to borrow this same philosophy for your business to both increase the number of customers you have and what they pay you.

Five Questions You Should Ask Every Prospect

Do you know exactly what questions you should be asking your prospects in order to create massive value and close a sale? If you don’t have a very consistent set of questions that help that prospect create value in his eyes, then you must read this article on five questions you should ask every prospect.

Harpoon the Whale: How to Close Massive Sales

Laura is one of eight salespeople at a marketing firm. However, Laura isn’t just an ordinary salesperson. Her personal sales revenues are $10M while the entire organization’s revenues are $20M. In other words, her sales number is the same as that of the other eight salespeople combined. Laura has mastered the art of harpooning the…

Do You Think Like Your Prospect?

Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and Square Reader, believes that every product developed must fit into a user narrative. A user narrative is a story of that particular user. What does he do day-to-day? What does he care about? What are his challenges? By developing a product with this user narrative in mind, Dorsey ensures…

5 Easy Tips to Running the Perfect Sales Meeting

Most companies with sales teams have sales meetings, yet very few organizations get the most out of them. Understanding how to run the perfect sales meeting can increase sales at your organization dramatically. Here are five easy tips to running the perfect sales meeting: Meet Consistently: So many organizations have sporadic sales meetings. They are…

The DNA of Sales Excellence

As a kid, my dad would always tell me that, “Success leaves clues.” This is true in all areas of humanity, from the best athletes to the wealthiest investors to top CEOs to the winners of natural selection. Sales excellence also leaves clues. Having worked with thousands of different salespeople in a huge range of…

Be Distinct in Sales or Perish

Do you know how long it takes a prospect to decide whether he or she would want to continue a sales conversation any further? Researchers from NYU have determined that we make eleven decisions about others in the first seven seconds of meeting. This means that your prospects are sizing you up in the first…

How to Find Your Inner Sales Motivation

David and Sandy start working at a promotional products company at the same time. They are both tasked with building their own book of business. The company provides them with prospect lists to get started. Both David and Sandy start out strong by making countless cold calls, attending networking groups, asking for referrals, and following…

11 Insanely Quick Tips to Close More Sales - Infusionsoft Thumb

Sales Game Plan – What Is Your Sales Game Plan?

If you haven’t established an organized strategy—a true sales game plan—for your approach to selling, then you’re missing out on huge profits. But don’t worry—in this article, I’m going to provide you with sales advice to help you establish a sales game plan in just three easy steps.