How many times have you heard a salesperson described like this: “Oh, Cory can sell anything to anyone!” or “Jen could sell ice to an Eskimo!”
These clichés sound impressive, but what do they really mean? “Is this ‘compliment’ even a good thing?”
In this video, I’m going to show you the one law of selling anything to anyone. Just a warning: It’s not the answer you’re expecting. So fasten your seatbelt, and check it out:
How to Sell Anything to Anyone Video Summary
How to Sell Anything to Anyone Tip #1: Be selective when prospecting.
Any salesperson who wants to know how to sell anything to anyone should start by only selling to those who actually need and want what they have to offer. When salespeople do the hard work upfront and get selective about who they’ll spend their time with, the close will be far easier.
When it comes to learning how to sell anything to anyone, most salespeople are just so happy to have a prospect sitting in front of them that they’ll pitch to anyone with a pulse!
Salespeople who opt to be exclusive and follow this tip for how to sell to anyone will accomplish two things. First, they’ll stop wasting time on dead-end meetings and proposals. Second, they’ll come across as attractive—rather than needy or desperate—to the ideal customers they actually want to close.
How to Sell Anything to Anyone Tip #2: Identify people with the right challenges.
This tip for how to sell anything to anyone builds off of the first one. In order to identify which prospects need and want their offering, salespeople should seek out those who have the challenges they can ultimately solve.
Salespeople who aren’t sure where to begin can ask some of their clients or others in their company which challenges they’ve helped to successfully solve in the past. Then, the salesperson can find other people with those same challenges and sell to them with confidence.
How to Sell Anything to Anyone Tip #3: Learn to disqualify.
In case it wasn’t clear in the first two points, the key to knowing how to sell anything to anyone is to stop trying to sell anything to anyone. This goes against the grain of what most salespeople have heard throughout their career, but there’s simply no sense in wasting time on unqualified prospects.
Salespeople who aren’t sure they’re willing to give up on learning how to sell to anyone should stop and think about how many hours they’ve wasted just over the past month on prospects who will never buy—it’s probably quite a lot of time.
In order to close more sales with less effort, salespeople should always spend the early part of prospecting interactions with the goal of disqualifying those who aren’t a fit.
How to Sell Anything to Anyone Tip #4: Spend time with qualified prospects.
Once a salesperson learns how to disqualify prospects rather than trying to master how to sell anything to anyone, they’ll have far more time to spend with truly qualified prospects. This is huge—one of the key differences between top salespeople and everyone else is that the best salespeople only spend their time in front of qualified prospects.
Salespeople who follow this tip will think more like a doctor seeking to understand others’ challenges than a cheesy car salesman desperate to learn how to sell anything to anyone. In the end, this mindset is key to establishing one’s self as an expert, earning the trust of prospects, and closing more sales than ever before.
So there you have it. Now you know The 1 Law of Selling ANYTHING to ANYONE. I want to hear from you. Have you ever used this approach before? If so, what was the result? Be sure to share below in the comments section. I’ll respond to every comment I possibly can.
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About the Author Marc Wayshak
Marc is is the best-selling author of three books on sales and leadership, including the highly acclaimed titles Game Plan Selling, The High-Velocity Sales Organization and his forthcoming book, Sales Conversations, Mastered.
Marc is a contributor to Inc, HubSpot, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Huffington Post Business. He also hosts a popular YouTube channel on sales strategy with over 103,000 subscribers.
Marc helps thousands of people his data-driven, science-based approach to selling that utilizes all the best tools available to sales organizations today.