Three Must-Have Sales Skills
So many of the sales skills we all thought we needed don’t matter anymore. However, there are some new skills that every successful salesperson is going to need in order to be successful. Here are three sales skills that you must have. Check out this video.
How-to Dominate the Competition in Sales [Sales Training Video]
In this short training video, Marc Wayshak, America’s strategist on Game Plan Selling, shows you how to dominate the competition in sales by being distinct. Full Video Transcript: Today, we’re going to be talking about a concept that is one of the most core and fundamental pieces to my Game Plan Selling System. Being distinct.…
How-to Send Killer Prospecting Emails [Sales Training Video]
Want to learn exactly how to create a prospecting email that will get a response? Watch this short how-to sales training video that will walk you through step-by-step what every great prospecting email must have. Video created by Marc Wayshak, sales strategist and author of the book, Game Plan Selling. Please share your comments below!…