Habits of successful salespeople – The most successful salespeople are in the top 1% of all earners out there. They make more money than everyone else, and they typically work fewer hours.
Still, they have total job security, because, well, they’re the most important people in their companies. What are the habits of successful salespeople that make them so incredibly good at what they do? Remember, these salespeople often out-earn the CEOs of their companies. So, again, how on earth do they do it? For starters, exceptionally successful salespeople tend to be very habit-driven.
They’re thoughtful about what’s going to make them successful, and they focus on only those things. It amazes me, having worked with and interviewed thousands of top-performing salespeople, how much all successful salespeople actually share in common with one another.
You can take their same strategies and use them to become a top-performer, too.
In this video, I’m going to show you the top 5 habits of successful salespeople.
Check it out:
Habits of Successful Salespeople Video Summary:
Habits of Successful Salespeople Tip #1: Create a better mouse trap.
Nothing makes sales more fun—or more lucrative—than having a constant flow of strong leads pouring in the door every single day. That’s why one of the most common habits of successful salespeople is being strategic about how to get those leads in the door. Top-performing salespeople know that everything starts at the top of the sales funnel. A better mousetrap will catch more mice. A better lead generation strategy will bring more strong leads in the door. When salespeople have a strategy that makes them more attractive than the competition, the rest of selling is pure fun. To implement this powerful habit, salespeople need to take the time to think about how to build that better mousetrap.
Habits of Successful Salespeople Tip #2: Focus on the bigger opportunities.
There are really two types of salespeople: Those who are trying to sell to anyone with a pulse, and those who only focus on bigger opportunities. What’s amazing is that both approaches require about the same amount of effort. But by focusing only on the big opportunities, salespeople make far more money. One of the most important habits of successful salespeople is going after those big opportunities. The best salespeople are willing to just pass those smaller opportunities along to someone else, because they know they’re ultimately a time suck. Instead, these superstars focus exclusively on the big fish that are going to really put money in their bank accounts.
Habits of Successful Salespeople Tip #3: Disqualify tire-kickers.
Many salespeople are deathly afraid of getting a “no” from a prospect. Truly exceptional salespeople actually embrace the word “no.” Remember, at least 50% of prospects aren’t a good fit, so getting a “no” as quickly as possible from those prospects is actually a great thing. Out of all the habits of successful salespeople, this might be the one that requires the biggest mindset change on the part of the salesperson looking to improve. But once salespeople start to disqualify tire-kickers, their sales will begin to soar. Here’s the thing: Whether a prospect intends to buy from you or just intends to steal all of your information and ultimately just kick tires, it’s going to take up a lot of your time either way. Wouldn’t you rather only spend time with real, serious buyers? Get rid of the people who aren’t a fit as quickly as possible. Anyone who isn’t qualified should be disqualified.
Habits of Successful Salespeople Tip #4: Know the progress metrics.
Most salespeople have no idea whether they’re actually going to hit their sales goals or not. This is because all they track are sales numbers. But tracking sales numbers will never tell you whether you’re actually on track to hit your goals. How do you know if you’re on track? Progress metrics. Knowing progress metrics is one of the most powerful habits of successful salespeople everywhere. Exceptional salespeople know exactly what they must be doing on a daily or weekly basis in order to hit their goals. For example, how many sales meetings do you have to conduct each week in order to ultimately hit your sales goal? Knowing the answer to that question will be the difference between consistently hitting or exceeding your goals, or just having no clue. Know the progress metrics.
Habits of Successful Salespeople Tip #5: Constantly learn new ideas.
This is one of those habits of successful salespeople that’s also a habit of extremely successful people, no matter their profession. Successful people are constantly investing in themselves by learning as much as they possibly can about their craft. Losers stop learning once they complete their formal education. Winners never stop learning. Be the type of person who’s always learning as much as you can about selling. Watch videos like this. Read books. Take courses. Invest in yourself, and never stop learning.
So there you have it. Those are 5 habits of successful salespeople. I want to hear from you. Which of these ideas did you find most useful? Be sure to share below in the comment section to get involved in the conversation.
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About the Author Marc Wayshak
Marc is is the best-selling author of three books on sales and leadership, including the highly acclaimed titles Game Plan Selling, The High-Velocity Sales Organization and his forthcoming book, Sales Conversations, Mastered.
Marc is a contributor to Inc, HubSpot, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Huffington Post Business. He also hosts a popular YouTube channel on sales strategy with over 103,000 subscribers.
Marc helps thousands of people his data-driven, science-based approach to selling that utilizes all the best tools available to sales organizations today.